To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what his policy is on the use of covert fixed cameras to detect speeding motorists; and whether the presence of such cameras must be notified to motorists. [115997]
Northern Ireland has a significant road traffic collision problem of which speed is a significant contributory factor. Research indicates that speed cameras have made a positive contribution towards saving lives on the roads. Following the launch of the Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy 2002–03, fixed speed cameras will be introduced into Northern Ireland on the basis of a pilot scheme on 1 July 2003.The Police Service of Northern Ireland, who participated in fixed speed camera trials, will comply with Home Office guidelines which stipulate that the face of the fixed camera will be painted yellow and all such cameras must be accompanied by suitable signage.
It is intended to keep the community fully informed as to the location of all fixed camera sites.
Northern Ireland has a significant road traffic collision problem, horribly illustrated by the high number of deaths from 1 January 2003. Speed is a significant contributory factor and international research has shown that for every 1mph reduction in average speed, there was a 5 per cent. reduction in the number of collisions.