To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what targets her Department has for improving energy efficiency; and how she intends to achieve these targets. [116646]
In common with all other Government Departments, DTI is working towards the interim energy target for the Government Estate—an on-going 1 per cent. per annum reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, expressed in terms of carbon savings.To help meet this target, DTI undertook an estate-wide energy audit to identify areas where further savings could be made. This resulted in the enhancement of a DTI Building Energy Management System and the installation of Inverter Variable Speed Drives.Other measures which contribute to this target include; ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management Systems across the DTI HQ estate; 33 per cent. of electricity in the DTI HQ estate is purchased from renewable sources; promoting environmental and energy awareness to DTI staff through 'Green Teams' who disseminate green and energy issues to their colleagues; and a number of specific measures such as installation of solar film for windows.