To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will make a statement on help available to those wishing to develop local food chains or food links, with particular reference to Gloucestershire. [118894]
[holding answer 12 June 2003]: We recognise the benefits that local food can bring and are keen to encourage the development of a sustainable local food sector. Funding under the England Rural Development Programme (ERDP) is available to support a range of local food initiatives. For example, we have made money available under the Rural Enterprise Scheme of the ERDP for a three year project to establish a Gloucestershire Farmers' Market Group which will help in the setting up of new markets, create a website and provide a one-stop advice service for local producers in the county. We will continue to deploy our various funding schemes to encourage a flourishing local food sector.This activity complements measures at a local level carried out by regionally based organisations, such as the work, supported by the Government Office for the South West, to draw up an integrated food policy for Gloucestershire under the Gloucestershire Food Vision initiative.