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Ex-Prisoner Groups

Volume 407: debated on Monday 16 June 2003

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To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what funding bodies have responsibility for allocating funds to groups and organisations dealing with ex-prisoner issues; how much each such body has allocated to ex-prisoner groups in the current year; and which ex-prisoner groups have benefited. [106240]

I am sorry for the delay in replying, the information requested required considerable cross-departmental co-ordination.The Northern Ireland Office does not allocate any funds directly to ex-prisoner groups. The Department does however provide core funding to two grant-aided non-statutory organisations, NIACRO and EXTERN, who provide accommodation services and links to employability. These services can be made available to ex-offenders in the community.Within the Northern Ireland Administration groups and organisations dealing with ex-prisoners may apply for funding from any programme or scheme for which they satisfy the eligibility criteria. In the year 2002–03, a total of —3,767,906 was allocated from a variety of sources. Details are given in the tables.

Funding to ex-prisoner groups
Funding bodyTotal figure
Community Relations Council510
Community Foundation (NI)2,092,256
Department for Employment and Learning564,842
Department of Education4,800
YESIP (YouthNet)15,661
Omagh Local Strategy Partnership34,000
Strabane Local Strategy Partnership63,750
Cooperation Ireland92,149
Area Development Management/Combat Poverty Agency755,541
BRO North Team88,240
BRO Inner West Team/Outer West Team (Joint Funded)56,157
align="center">Organisations receiving funding
Coiste na N-Iarchimi
Tar Isteach
Lisburn Prisoners' Support Project
Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NIACRO)
Gae Lairn Ltd
Tar Anall
Arais Aris ar an Omaigh
larchime Fear Manach
La Nua
Failte Chlain Eois
Cumann na Meirleach
Teach na Failte
EPIC (Ex-Prisoners Interpretative Centre)
An Eochair Ex-Prisoner Support
New Lodge Forum
Tar Abhaile
Cumann na Meirleach Ard Mhaca Theas
EPIC Northwest
Amach Agus Insteach
Cairde Strabane Ex-Prisoners Group
Upp Springfield Devel Trust
Prisoners Enterprise Project
Iarchimi Fhearmanach
North Belfast Prisoners Aid
Tra Chearr