To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will list the people appointed to ad hoc posts within her Department bearing the titles of advocate, tsar, adviser, champion and comparable titles since May 1997; what their job title is or was; what their role is or was; whether they were or are being paid; what the total cost of each such person was in each financial year, including expenses and benefits; what the expected cost of each such person is in 2003–04; to whom they are accountable; and if she will make a statement. [112467]
The former Secretary of State for International Development, Clare Short appointed the following Special Advisers after May 1997, all were paid appointments: Jessica Crowe, Daniel Harris, David Mepham, Dee Sullivan, Susannah Cox and Ruth Driscoll. No more than two advisers were in post at any one time. All of the appointees listed were accountable to Ministers for their decisions and actions. Under Exemption 12 of the code of Practice on Access to Government Information details of individual salaries are not disclosed in order to protect the privacy of the individuals concerned. The new Secretary of State for International Development, Baroness Amos has not yet appointed any special advisers.