To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on the number of overseas nurses his Department plans to recruit to diagnostic treatment centres. [114984]
The recruitment of staff into national health service run diagnosis and treatment centres (DTCs)—is a matter for the NHS trust managing the unit. We expect NHS trusts to explore the full range of options available to them, including the recruitment of overseas nurses.
The recruitment of staff for independent sector-run DTCs will be a matter for successful bidders. As part of the current procurement, bidders are asked to propose staffing solutions for these new units that meet a core objective of the programme to secure a genuine increase in capacity, including workforce capacity. Bidders are asked to describe their approach to international recruitment of staff and how they will abide by the Code of Practice for NHS employers involved in the international recruitment of healthcare professionals. The exact number of non-NHS staff, including those from overseas, by the independent sector will depend on local circumstances.