To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what plans the Government has to replace the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee; and if she will make a statement. [116924]
been signed. It also includes proposals that have been agreed at outline business case stage where a preferred bidder may not have been selected.
We do not hold centrally a breakdown of credit allocations between incineration and non-incineration elements. However, some indication is available from the volumes of waste that are dealt with by the proposal and the new incineration capacity that was assumed in the approval. These figures are shown in the table.
A proposal may be varied in the light of the market response following outline business case approval, in negotiations with preferred bidders and/or in the light of local planning decisions which may be made after contract signature. The Department is aware that at least one of the earlier approvals is likely to change significantly and in a way that reduces new incineration capacity, but we have yet to see revised proposals from the relevant local authority.
broken down on the basis of the type of waste which can be accepted at the site—hazardous and non hazardous waste and inert waste.
The Environment Agency advises that disposal of low-level radioactive waste is authorised under the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 at the following unlined sites in England and Wales.
Sponsoring Ministers are currently considering the future of the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee (RWMAC) in light of the establishment of the new Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM), that is being set up to carry forward the -Managing Radioactive Waste Safely" programme, and will announce their decision in due course.