To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how much it cost to develop the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Best Value Performance Indicators website. [115489]
The Best Value Performance Indicators website ( puts a wide range of information into the public domain and demonstrates our commitment to facilitating better public understanding of local service delivery. The information it holds includes Best Value Performance Indicator data for 2000–01 and 2001–02, Comprehensive Performance Assessment scores for upper-tier authorities, data from the Index of Multiple Deprivation, and details of authorities that have been designated as Neighbourhood Renewal Fund areas. There is a statutory requirement on local authorities to publish their BVPI data and the website brings this information together into one easily accessible place. The data can be analysed interactively enabling users, including local authorities and the general public, to compare performance between authorities and over a period of time. On average, the website receives over 130,000 hits per month.The contract to develop the Best Value Performance Indicators website in its current format was awarded in November 2001 following a competitive tender and amounted to £62,450.