To ask the Minister of State, Department for International Development if he will list the nationalities employed by the Department, broken down by (a) numbers, (b) locations and (c) job titles. [120482]
Nationality of DFID Home Civil Service staff is recorded against the categories approved by the Cabinet Office for use in the 2001 Census.Details, in the table, provide a breakdown by location in the UK and by grading band. Information is not available by job title.DFID also employs some 874 Staff Appointed In Country, in its 36 country and regional offices located overseas. No record of nationality is maintained for these staff.Our approach to contributing to poverty elimination through achievement of the Millennium Development Goals is set out in two White Papers on International Development (both available in the Library). The decision to provide—support—as well as details of our programmes—in individual countries is set out in a series of Country Assistance Plans. These are available at: are many ways in which Development NGOs can apply for funding from DFID, including our centrally-managed funding schemes such as the Civil Society Challenge Fund and Partnership Programme Agreements, and through individual country offices and country programmes. Detailed criteria have been developed for each funding scheme, to ensure that public funds are used to the best effect. Country offices can provide criteria for their specific funding schemes on request, and details of all centrally-managed schemes are also available on our website at: