To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what offers have been received for the British Consulate in San Francisco; what the cost is of the proposed replacement including fees for advisers and realtors; and whether the newly purchased building is leasehold. [121455]
We have no plans to sell the Consulate-General offices, which are leased. No offers have been received for the present Residence of the Consul-General, which has not yet been placed on the market. The replacement Residence is expected to cost £3.3 million after allowing for the cost of ongoing work, such as security measures, and fees for professional advisers. Under local practice the vendor pays the property broker's fee. The new Residence has been acquired on the local equivalent of freehold.
To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what size the present consulate in San Francisco is in square feet; and what the size is of the replacement building. [121554]
The present Residence of the Consul-General in San Francisco has a net internal area of 10,241 square feet; the house purchased as the future Residence has a net internal area of 4,905 square feet.