To ask the hon. Member for Roxburgh and Berwickshire, representing the House of Commons Commission, how much the Houses of Parliament ticket office has cost in each year since its construction. [127949]
During the period of the trial opening (2000 and 2001) of the summer line of route, tickets were on sale in Westminster Hall. Following the Houses' decision to put the arrangement on a permanent footing, and pending the outcome of discussions with Westminster City Council as the local planning authority and with English Heritage, a temporary facility on Abingdon Green was used as a ticket office in 2002. The cost was £53,500, of which the House of Commons share was £32,100.The permanent ticket office used this year for the first time has an estimated cost of £155,000 (the House of Commons share is £93,000). It will be dismantled and put into store during the winter and with due maintenance it is expected to be used each summer for at least 10 years. The annual cost will therefore be £15,500, of which the House of Commons' share will be £9,300.
To ask the hon. Member for Roxburgh and Berwickshire, representing the House of Commons Commission what the cost of constructing the Houses of Parliament ticket office was; what the cost of storing the ticket office until 2004 will be; which company has been selected to store the ticket office until 2004; and if he will make a statement. [128788]
The permanent ticket office used this year for the first time has an estimated cost of £155,000 (the House of Commons share is £93,000). It will be dismantled and put into store during the winter and with due maintenance it is expected to be used each summer for at least 10 years. The annual cost will therefore be £15,500, of which the House of Commons' share will be £9,300.Tenders are to be invited shortly for the dismantling, storage, maintenance and re-erection of the building for the next four years.