To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent guidance she has issued to local authorities and other relevant bodies on light pollution. [131236]
In 1997 the Government issued "Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice". This document continues to be a valuable guide for local authorities, highway engineers and members of the public. It demonstrates what can be done to lessen the adverse effects of external lighting, including security lights and street lighting. The advice within it is applicable in towns as well as the countryside. Copies may be obtained from: considered the control of nuisance caused by security lighting in its recent consultation, "Living Places: Powers, Rights, Responsibilities". A summary of the comments received to this consultation exercise has now been published. A copy of this document may be obtained from: Most of the respondents who mentioned the document, "Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice", considered it very useful, but felt it needed updating with more examples of good practice.The Government will consider what additional guidance on light pollution may be needed, taking into consideration any recommendations emerging from Defra's consultation exercise and from the House of Commons Select Committee's recent inquiry into light pollution and astronomy that was recently completed.