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Domestic Burglary

Volume 410: debated on Friday 19 September 2003

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To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what additional steps he is taking to ensure that the target to reduce domestic burglary by 25 per cent. by 2005 is met. [130488]

We have already made significant progress towards meeting our target of reducing domestic burglary by 25 per cent. between 1999 and 2005. Figures published in the most recent British Crime Survey (BCS) show that there has been a 23 per cent. reduction in burglary since 1999.We recognise the importance of driving down burglary still further, and a wide range of work is in progress to this end. Some initiatives are continuing from previous years. For example:

All police authorities have agreed targets for reducing domestic burglary by 2005. The Police Standards Unit is working with police forces to help them meet these targets and is offering specific support to those forces at greatest risk of not meeting their burglary targets.
Minimum sentences of three years have been introduced for those convicted of burglary on a third separate occasion.
Targets for reducing burglary are included in over 80 per cent. of the strategies developed by the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships.
"Stretched" burglary targets have been included in over one third of Local Public Service Agreements (LPSAs) between local authorities and central Government.
Work is continuing with universities, student unions, the police and other relevant agencies to reduce crime against students.
We are working with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) on an Approved Code of Practice for landlords, which will promote better standards of security in Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HIMOS) and improve landlord management practices.

Initiatives taken forward for the first time during 2003 include:

Developing a targeted publicity campaign in conjunction with brand partners to reinforce burglary prevention messages targeted at specific at-risk groups such as holidaymakers and home-movers.
Developing a strategy for reducing the market for stolen goods.
Through the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Burglary Working Group, producing a "Good Practice and Tactical Options Guide".

In addition, several other programmes of work are under way that will impact on a range of crimes, including burglary. Such programmes include Narrowing the Justice Gap, reducing re-offending and our anti-drugs strategy.