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Children And Young People's Unit

Volume 410: debated on Friday 19 September 2003

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To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what work the Children and Young People's Unit undertakes in Scotland in relation to reserved matters. [130528]

In terms of domestic policy, the Children and Young People's Unit has an England only remit. In terms of international policy, the Unit has a remit to co-ordinate the UK's participation in a number of international initiatives relating to children and young people, notably the EU Open Method of Co-Ordination on Youth Policy and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.The EU Open Method of Co-Ordination on Youth Policy relates exclusively to devolved policy issues—youth participation, local information services for young people, youth volunteering and youth research. Each Devolved Administration is responsible for implementing the obligations of this initiative, whilst the CYPU is responsible for overseeing implementation in England, for co-ordinating the UK's approach as a whole and for reporting UK progress to the European Commission.The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child covers both devolved and reserved issues. In the case of devolved policies (for example, health and social services, education, participation policy), the Devolved Administrations are responsible for observing the convention when making devolved policy decisions. In the case of reserved policies, the relevant Whitehall Department is responsible for observing the convention when making reserved policy decisions, and for consulting the Devolved Administrations as necessary. Examples of reserved policies covered by the convention are: asylum and immigration (Home Office), international development (DfID) and defence policies (MOD). The CYPU is responsible for co-ordinating the UK's approach as a whole across all policy leads (including the Devolved Administrations on devolved matters) and for reporting to the UN on UK implementation.When undertaking this co-ordinating role for international initiatives, the CYPU works in accordance with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Concordats with the Devolved Administrations on International and EU Relations, with full and regular working-level contacts with the Devolved Administrations.