To ask the Secretary of State for Health what method each candidate trust for Foundation Hospital status has adopted to carry out public consultation about their plans; when those consultations will be completed; and what the total cost is to each trust of the consultation exercises. [129748]
[holding answer 16 September 2003]: Individual applicants are developing their own plans for consultation to reflect how best to engage with key stakeholders locally. These consultations may involve a balance of staff and public meetings, written documents and presentations to key stakeholders depending on what fits best locally to allow the public, staff and other stakeholders to provide their views. Evidence of consultation and a summary of comments received is a requirement for the material submitted for consideration by the Secretary of State on 12 December as part of the next stage of the applications process. Consultation will need to conclude therefore in time to allow this. Costs will differ depending on the exact method of consultation chosen; we do not hold centrally information on these individual costs.
To ask the Secretary of State for Health how the auditor for a foundation hospital will be appointed. [130105]
It will be up to the board of governors of each national health service foundation trust to appoint the auditor, subject to provisions in Schedule 1, paragraph 21, of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill.
To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on plans to develop a bond market to allow foundation trusts to raise capital. [130394]
Initial consultations with financial institutions support the Government's view that bond finance may offer medium term opportunities for national health service foundation trusts to raise capital under certain circumstances. In the near term, bonds are not the preferred source of finance for NHS foundation trusts.
To ask the Secretary of State for Health what discussions he has had with financial institutions to develop a bond market to allow foundation trusts to raise capital. [130398]
The Department has undertaken wide ranging consultations with financial institutions in order to establish a sustainable financial regime for national health service foundation trusts. A variety of bonds were part of a range of financial instruments discussed during this consultation process.