To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many (a) debt equity deals and (b) interest free energy action loans the Carbon Trust has approved since it was established. [128033]
I understand that the Carbon Trust has received 84 proposals for equity investment. Of these, 31 are in progress, and three investments have been made totalling £1.7 million (leveraging in a further £16 million).The Carbon Trust are also seeking opportunities to support embryonic low carbon technology companies through both the offer of incubator services and through the future creation of incubator funds.The Carbon Trust's loan scheme has approved over £1 million worth of loans to SMEs since it started in January 2003. The Trust currently receive over 60 inquiries per month. On September 1 there were 149 applications under consideration, 32 formal offers had been made and 15 loans had been paid with a total value of £440,000.