To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to his statement of 9 June 2003, Official Report, column 415, on EMU, what the (a) composition and (b) remit is of the euro preparation committees in (i) Scotland, (ii) Wales and (iii) Northern Ireland. [131270]
The composition and remits of the Euro Preparations Committees for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are set out as follows:
(i)Scotland Euro Preparations Committee
(a) Composition
Scotland Office: Right hon. Alistair Darling MP, Secretary of State, David Crawley, Head of Office;
Scottish Executive: Right hon. Jack McConnell MSP, First Minister; right hon. Jim Wallace QC MSP, Deputy First Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning; Andy Kerr MSP, Minister for Finance and Public Services;
John Elvidge, Permanent Secretary; Trevor Jones, Head of Health Department and Chief Executive, NHS Scotland; Dr. Andrew Goudie, Chief Economic Adviser;
HM Treasury: Ruth Kelly MP, Financial Secretary;
Committee of Scottish Clearing Bankers: Susan Rice, Chair;
Confederation of British Industry (Scotland): lain McMillan, Director;
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities: Councillor Pat Watters, President;
Federation of Small Businesses (Scotland): Andy Willox, Scottish Policy Convenor;
Scottish Consumer Council: Graeme Miller, Chairman;
Scottish Council for Development and Industry: Donal Dowds, Chairman;
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations: Professor Joan Stringer, Convenor;
Scottish Enterprise: Dr. Robert Crawford, Chief Executive;
Scottish Financial Enterprise: Amanda Harvie, Chief Executive;
Scottish Retail Consortium: Eddie Thompson, Chairman;
Scottish Trades Union Congress: Tracey White, Assistant Secretary; and
The Scottish Chambers of Commerce: David Ross, Chairman.
(b) Remit
The Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed that Scotland should have its own Committee to oversee Scottish preparations for potential future UK entry into Economic and Monetary Union and to provide advice and input to the work of the UK National Standing Committee on the Euro.
The chairman of the Committee is the Secretary of State for Scotland and its work is being taken forward in partnership with the First Minister of the Scottish Executive.
Scottish Executive and Scotland Office Ministers also attend both the Committee of Devolved Euro Ministers and Euro Ministers meetings, which oversee public sector preparations.
As a devolved Administration the Scottish Executive is responsible for euro preparations within its own remit, but it is also responsible for overseeing preparations in other sectors in Scotland.
The role of the Scottish Euro Preparations Committee is to:
Oversee the work of Euro preparations across the Scottish economy;
Generate awareness of preparations issues in Scotland;
Ensure co-ordination and co-operation between key sectors;
Consult on the third outline National Changeover Plan in Scotland; and
Feedback particular Scottish views and issues to the Chancellor's Standing Committee on Euro Preparations (of which the Secretary of State for Scotland is a member).
(ii) Wales Euro Preparations Committee
(a) Composition
Wales Office: Peter Hain MP, Secretary of State for Wales; Don Touhig MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State;
Welsh Assembly Government: First Minister Rhodri Morgan; Minister for Finance, Local Government and Public Services; Sue Essex and Permanent Secretary Sir Jon Shortridge;
HM Treasury: Financial Secretary to the Treasury;
Cardiff Chamber of Commerce: Helen Conway;
CBI Wales: David Rosser, Director;
Chartered Accountants for Business in Wales: Andrew Leonard;
Farmers' Union of Wales:Brian Walters, Vice-President;
National Farmers' Union:Malcolm Thomas, Director;
NHS Wales:Martin Turner, Chief Executive Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust;
Wales Council for Voluntary Action:Graham Benfield, Chief Executive;
Wales Tourist Board: Jonathan Jones, Chief Executive;
Wales TUC:Margaret Hazell, Vice-President;
Welsh Consumer Council: Vivienne Sugar;
Welsh Development Agency: David Childs, Finance Director;
Welsh Language Board: Jon Walter Jones, Chief Executive; and
Welsh Local Government Association: Sandy Blair, Director,
(b) Terms of reference
The Chancellor proposed that Wales should have its own Committee to oversee Welsh preparations for potential future UK entry into Economic and Monetary Union.
The Secretary of State for Wales is taking this work forward in partnership with the First Minister of the Assembly, who has responsibility for euro preparations in policy areas under the Assembly's control.
The role of the Wales Euro Preparations Committee is to:
Oversee the preparations in Wales
Generate awareness of the preparations
Ensure co-ordination and co-operation between key sectors
Consult on the third outline National Changeover Plan
Feedback Wales' views to the Chancellor's Standing Committee on Euro Preparations, (of which the Secretary of State for Wales is a member).
(iii) Northern Ireland Euro Preparations Committee
(a) Composition
Northern Ireland Office: The right hon. Paul Murphy MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland; Ian Pearson MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State;
Head of NI Civil Service: Mr. Nigel Hamilton;
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development: Mr. Pat Toal, Permanent Secretary;
Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment: Mr. Bruce Robinson, Permanent Secretary;
Department of Finance and Personnel: Mr. David Thomson, Treasury Officer of Accounts
HM Treasury: Ruth Kelly MP, Financial Secretary
Confederation of British Industry (NI): Dr. Ian McMorris, Chairman;
NI Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Mr. Ian Morrow, Deputy Chief Executive;
Institute of Directors: Mr. Dennis Rooney, Chairperson;
Federation of Small Businesses: Mrs. Rosemary Armstrong, Lady Chair;
Northern Ireland Congress/Irish Congress of Trade Unions: Frank Bunting, Northern Secretary
NI Tourism Industry Confederation: Mr. John O'Carroll, Chief Executive;
NI Banker's Association: Mr. John Diver, Deputy Head of Payment Operations, Ulster Bank Ltd.;
Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ulster Society):Mr. John Hannaway, Chairman;
General Consumer Council for NI: Mr. Stephen Costello MBE, Chairman;
NI Council for Voluntary Action: Mr. Seamus McAleavey, Chief Executive;
Northern Ireland Centre for Compettiveness: Bob Barbour, Chief Executive;
Chartered Institute for Marketing: Mr. Michael Maguire, Regional Director;
NI Local Government Association: Heather Moorehead, Chief Executive.
The Chancellor proposed that Northern Ireland should have its own Committee to oversee local preparations for potential future UK entry into Economic and Monetary Union.
This work is being taken forward by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland under Direct Rule and, on the restoration of Devolution, in partnership with the First Minister and Deputy First Minister of the Assembly, who will have responsibility for euro preparations in policy areas under the Assembly's control.
The role of the Northern Ireland Euro Preparations Committee is to:
Oversee the preparations in Northern Ireland
Generate awareness of the preparations
Ensure co-ordination and co-operation between key sectors
Consult on the third outline National Changeover Plan
Feedback Northern Ireland's views to the Chancellor's Standing Committee on Euro Preparations, (of which the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is a member).
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to his statement of 9 June, Official Report, column 415, on EMU, if he will list the locations of events to disseminate information and promote discussion which (a) have been held and (b) are planned, broken down by constituency. [131271]
:The Treasury continues to work closely with key stakeholders across the country/UK on practical preparations for potential future UK entry into Economic and Monetary Union.New members have joined the Chancellor's Standing Committee from the Local Government Association, regional development associations, citizens advice and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. New preparation committees in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have been set up to oversee local preparations for potential future UK entry into Economic and Monetary Union.