To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on NHS sexual health clinics, the demand for these services and the ability of these clinics to cater for this demand. [127457]
The Department recognises that additional investment in sexual health services is required to tackle poor sexual health. This is why we have already invested £15 million to improve access to genito-urinary medicine (GUM) services and reduce waiting times; £9.5 million in chlamydia screening, and £5 million in termination of pregnancy services. In response to concerns expressed by the health committee and others about sexual health services, an additional £11 million will be allocated this year. This will comprise £5 million for GUM services; £5 million to improve chlamydia testing, and £1 million for contraceptive services. In line with the health committee's recommendations, the Department is also actively exploring the introduction of a 48-hour waiting time performance indicator for GUM services.