:To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what assessment is made of the environmental impact of products, goods and services for which ECGD guarantees are given; who makes that assessment; and whether such assessments are published. [129933]
:The nature of the environmental assessment varies with the size, sector and location of the project in question, but it includes consideration of the impact on water, air quality and atmospheric emissions, wildlife and habitats, degradation of land, unsustainable consumption of natural resources, use of hazardous substances, waste generation and noise.For low and medium potential impact cases the assessments are carried out by ECGD's in-house specialists. These assessments are not published.For high potential impact cases ECGD requires an in-depth Environmental Impact Assessment. These are normally produced by environmental consultants and are generally made publicly available by the project developer.Further details of ECGD's environmental assessment procedures are given in the 'Case Handling Process—Information Note' and in the guidance notes to ECGD's Impact Questionnaire, both of which are available from the Department's website (www.ecgd.gov.uk).