To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) when he expects the next continuous attitude surveys in each service will be (a) conducted and (b) published; in what format the report of the surveys will be published; and if he will make a statement; [130849](2) what plans he has to publish the armed forces continuous attitude surveys; and if he will make a statement. [130848]
The next Continuous Attitude Survey (CAS) for the Royal Navy will be issued at the end of September with a report expected at the end of December 2003. For the Army the next survey is scheduled to be sent out in December with a report due in the spring. For the RAF the next survey will be issued on 1 November with the results reported later next year. The RAF report with the 2002 results will however be produced on 1 November. All three reports are produced electronically and distributed to internal stakeholders.Copies of the questions asked in each of the CASs are held in the Library of the House. There are no immediate plans to publish the answers. We are however reviewing the range of survey material to release and appropriate ways of putting it into the public domain.