To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps are being taken to ensure that the North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust meets the outpatient targets set by the Government; and if he will make a statement. [129928]
North Cheshire Hospitals National Health Service Trust is making every effort to meet the Government's target of 21 weeks for a first outpatient appointment. This includes regular discussions between clinicians and managers about clinical capacity and modernising out-patient processes. The Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Health Authority continually monitors the progress of all partner organisations, including North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust, against Government targets.
To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps are being taken to improve access to general practitioners in Warrington; and what discussions have taken place with the Warrington Primary Care Trust to ensure that the targets for access are met. [129929]
Steps being taken to improve access to general practitioners in Warrington include Warrington Primary Care Trust (PCT) employing an access facilitator, who is working with eight GP practices to redesign services in order to improve access. The PCT board has in addition approved the recruitment of additional salaried GPs and nurse practitioners. Individual practices are also being supported in reviewing their appointment management processes.The Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Health Authority has established performance monitoring processes to gauge PCTs' progress on meeting GP access targets.