Staff may retire on reaching the age of 60 or work until they are 65 or retire at any time between 60 and 65 subject to giving three months notice. Staff in the senior civil service may work beyond 60 if there is a business requirement for them to do so. For all other staff the current maximum retirement age is 65 and they are not retained after that age other than in cases of exceptional departmental need.
The following statistics refer to Staff in Post at 1 April 2006.
Grade1 Male Female Declared disability Senior civil service 72 28 4 Band C 65 35 6 Band B 55 45 9 Band A 37 63 12 Fast stream 52 48 6 DTI total2 57 43 8 1 Grade bands—the grade structure at the DTI is split into three bands. The equivalent civil service grades are as follows: Band C—senior executive officer (SEO) to grade 6 Band B—executive officer (EO) to higher executive officer (HEO) Band A—administrative assistant (AA) to administrative officer (AO) 2 Including UK Trade and Investment and Office of Manpower Economics Note: Departmental records of disabled staff are solely based on voluntary declaration of disability under the Disability Discrimination Act and not connected in any way to a formal register of disability.