From 1997-98 to 2005-06 the majority of school funding was provided through the local government finance settlement. The following tables set out the funding provided through the settlement and the grants paid per pupil in each year:
Real terms, excluding pensions transfer to EPS and LSC from 2003-04 to 2005-06 3 to 10-year olds 11 to 15-year-olds SSA/EFS per pupil (£ million) Grants per pupil (£ million) Funding per pupil (£) SSA/EFS per pupil (£ million) Grants per pupil (£ million) Funding per pupil (£) 1997-98 2,310.0 140.0 2,450 3,160.0 40.0 3,200 1998-99 2,370.0 100.0 2,470 3,220.0 20.0 3,240 1999-2000 2,450.0 140.0 2,590 3,290.0 70.0 3,360 2000-01 2,470.0 330.0 2,800 3,410.0 200.0 3,610 2001-02 2,550.0 380.0 2,920 3,450.0 300.0 3,750 2002-03 2,540.0 410.0 2,950 3,480.0 380.0 3,850 2003-04 2,810.0 290.0 3,100 3,450.0 440.0 3,900 2004-05 2,880.0 320.0 3,190 3,590.0 470.0 4,070 2005-06 3,020.0 350.0 3,370 3,690.0 530.0 4,220
Real terms, excluding pensions transfer to EPS and LSC from 2003-04 to 2005-06 3 to 10-year-olds 11 to 15-year-olds SSA/EFS per pupil (£ million) Grants per pupil (£ million) Funding per pupil (£) SSA/EFS per pupil (£ million) Grants per pupil (£ million) Funding per pupil (£) 1997-98 2,250.0 170.0 2,420 3,270.0 30.0 3,300 1998-99 2,430.0 80.0 2,510 3,340.0 40.0 3,380 1999-2000 2,530.0 150.0 2,680 3,400.0 110.0 3,510 2000-01 2,580.0 330.0 2,910 3,520.0 280.0 3,800 2001-02 2,640.0 440.0 3,080 3,580,0 420.0 4,000 2002-03 2,690.0 460.0 3,160 3,640.0 450.0 4,090 2003-04 2,990 0 370.0 3,360 3,630.0 540.0 4,180 2004-05 3,090.0 400.0 3,490 3,790.0 580.0 4,370 2005-06 3.250.0 420.0 3,670 3,910.0 620.0 4,530 Notes: 1. The pupil numbers used to convert £ million figures to per pupil are those underlying the SSA/EFS settlement calculations plus PLASC three-year-old maintained pupils and estimated three to four-year-olds funded through state support in maintained and other educational institutions where these are not included in the SSA pupil numbers. 2. Total funding also includes all revenue grants in DfES departmental expenditure limits relevant to pupils aged three to 10 and 11 to 15 and exclude education maintenance allowances (EMAs) and grants not allocated at LEA level. 3. 1997-98 figures for authorities subject to local government reorganisation in that year have been estimated, pro-rata to their post LGR figures. 4. Figures reflect relevant sub-blocks of standard spending assessment/education formula spending (EFS) settlements and exclude the pensions transfer to EFS. 5. 2003-04 to 2005-06 figures are provisional as some grants have not yet been finalised/audited. 6. Real terms at 2004-05 prices, based on GDP deflators as at 23 December 2005. Figures are rounded to the nearest 10.