The following table details the number of admissions to hospital with a primary or secondary diagnosis of burns for each month during 2004-05 (the latest year for which data is available). For the purpose of this answer, any burn that required hospital admission has been deemed a major burn.
It should be noted that any individual could have been admitted to hospital more than once over the course of a year and would therefore be counted more than once in the figures.
Month of admission Admissions1 due to burns April 2004 24 May 2004 37 June 2004 20 July 2004 27 August 2004 26 September 2004 25 October 2004 27 November 2004 31 December 2004 28 January 2005 31 February 2005 29 March 2005 27 Total 332 1 Deaths and Discharges are used as an approximation to admissions. Source: Hospital Inpatients System DHSS&PS.
The NI Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) is a member of an inter-agency Working Group on Bonfires. This group, which includes representatives from a wide range of statutory bodies, aims to educate people on the dangers of bonfires and to give advice on how to act safely around them. The NIFRS also works closely with Community Safety Partnerships on issues such as this.