The following table details information on the prevalence1 of prostate cancer (ICD-10 C61) by age band in Northern Ireland since 1993.
Age Prevalence of prostate cancer1 Male population2 Percentage of population living with prostate cancer 59 and under 345 699,777 0.05 60 to 64 400 39,360 1.02 65 to 69 639 32,407 1.97 70 to 74 676 26,067 2.59 75 to 79 484 19,552 2.48 80 to 84 291 12,465 2.33 85 and over 124 6,863 1.81 All ages 2,959 836,491 0.35 1 Prevalence has been estimated by counting the number of patients diagnosed between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2003 with prostate cancer, who were still alive on 31 December 2003. This may represent an undercount of the actual number of people living with prostate cancer as those diagnosed prior to 1993 and still alive at the end of 2003 are not included. 2 2004 mid-year population estimate, NISRA.
This information has been provided by the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry and is the most up to date currently available.