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Volume 447: debated on Friday 16 June 2006

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what plans the Northern Ireland Tourist Board has to target potential tourists from the Republic of Ireland during summer 2006. (76365)

The Northern Ireland Tourist Board office in Dublin includes a Tourist Information Centre (TIC) and also a Marketing Team. The purpose of the Dublin office is to promote tourism in Northern Ireland to Republic of Ireland (RoI) residents, International tourists holidaying in Ireland, Travel Trade, Business Tourism and RoI Media.

Currently the NITB advertising budget for the Republic of Ireland for 2006-07 is £469,000.

Promotion to potential tourists from RoI during 2006 is already well under way through a series of marketing activities which include:

(a) Tourist Information Centre services—Reservations, Information and Short-Break Brochure promotion;

(b) Travel Trade Assistance, Support and Familiarisation Trips to Northern Ireland;

(c) Consumer Show promotion at various shows throughout Republic of Ireland;

(d) PR which results in press coverage in RoI print media, radio and TV.

The prime vehicle for promotion to RoI visitors during 2006 is via campaigns surrounding the Short Breaks Euro Brochure. This year’s Short Breaks brochure is being complemented by a number of tactical marketing campaigns which include promotions via the national RoI press, radio advertising, web promotions, and direct mail etc.