The following table details the increase in staff surveys undertaken by the 11 core NICS Departments and the Northern Ireland Office between the financial years 2003-04 and 2005-06.
There is no single reason for the increase in staff survey numbers. There is no set number of surveys that Departments are required to carry out in any given year. The increase in surveys reflects the growing focus on measuring internal service provision, staff communication, workplace health and working toward best practice in people management.
Department Increase in surveys between 2003-04 and 2005-06 DARD 1 DCAL 1— DE 1 DEL 4 DETI 7 DFP 4 DHSSPS 1— DOE 2— DRD 4 DSD 4 NIO 3 1 Overall reduction of one. 2 No surveys undertaken.