The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Colin Mowl, dated 22 June 2006:
The National Statistician has been asked to reply to your recent question asking how many (a) males and (b) females aged 16 to 24 years died as a result of (i) road traffic accidents, (ii) suicide, (iii) sexually transmitted diseases, (iv) drug misuse, (v) alcohol misuse and (vi) murder/manslaughter during each year since 1990. I am replying in her absence. (79500)
ONS routinely publishes numbers of deaths for causes which may be sexually transmitted, such as HIV or Hepatitis B infection. Information is not however normally available from the death certificate on the actual method of transmission for deaths from these causes and so figures for sexually transmitted diseases cannot be provided.
The most recently available information is for deaths in 2004. Figures for deaths in males and females aged 16 to 24 years for land transport accidents, suicide or injury/poisoning of undetermined intent, alcohol-related causes, and assault are shown in the table below for each year from 1990 to 2004. Figures for drug misuse are only available from 1993 onwards.
Land transport accidents2 Suicide or injury /poisoning of undetermined intent3 Drug misuse4 Alcohol-related5 Assault6 Male 1990 1,096 615 — 14 82 1991 973 563 — 9 77 1992 814 566 — 12 76 1993 617 549 136 14 93 1994 609 522 204 11 85 1995 589 477 222 12 98 1996 608 446 239 12 96 1997 614 497 260 19 83 1998 497 454 230 19 85 1999 501 433 251 15 100 2000 526 386 208 18 124 2001 561 375 234 26 112 2002 557 342 234 9 98 2003 595 366 141 15 100 2004 546 316 136 12 128 Female 1990 221 117 — 5 32 1991 240 134 — 5 46 1992 207 118 — 3 40 1993 153 115 29 10 46 1994 174 94 38 1 48 1995 148 112 35 1 30 1996 139 114 46 4 32 1997 143 105 43 3 28 1998 139 122 61 3 40 1999 140 108 45 4 27 2000 115 109 60 5 41 2001 124 90 58 3 40 2002 133 91 38 3 31 2003 121 91 41 5 43 2004 131 103 44 4 35 1 Data are for registrations of death in each calendar year from 1990 to 1992 and for occurrences of death in each calendar year from 1993onwards. 2 The cause of death for land transport accidents was defined using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes E800-E829for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes V01-V89. 3 The cause of death for suicide (intentional self-harm) or injury/poisoning of undetermined intent was defined using ICD-9 codes E950-E959 and E980-E989 excluding E988.8for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, ICD-10 codes X60-X84 and YJO-Y34 excluding Y33.9 where the Coroner's verdict was pending. 4 The cause of death for drug misuse was defined using ICD-9 codes 292, 304, 305.2-305.9, E850-E858, E950.0-E950.5, E962.0 and E980.0-E980.5 for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004JCD-10 codes F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X44, X60-X64, X85 and Y10-Y14, where the underlying cause was drug-related poisoning and a drug controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 was mentioned on the death record. 5 Alcohol-related deaths were defined using ICD-9 codes 291, 303, 305.0,425.5, 571 and E860 for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, ICD-10 codes F10, 142.6, K70, K73, K74 and X45. 6 The cause of death for assault was defined using ICD-9 codes E960-E969 and E988.8for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, ICD-10 codes X85-Y09 and Y33.9 where the Coroner's verdict was pending.
The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Colin Mowl, dated 22 June 2006:
The National Statistician has been asked to reply to your recent question asking how many (a) males and (b) females aged 11 to 18 years died as a result of (i) road traffic accidents, (ii) suicide, (iii) sexually transmitted diseases, (iv) drug misuse, (v) alcohol misuse and (vi) murder/manslaughter during each year since 1990. I am replying in her absence. (79579)
ONS routinely publishes numbers of deaths for causes which may be sexually transmitted, such as HIV or Hepatitis B infection. Information is not however normally available from the death certificate on the actual method of transmission for deaths from these causes and so figures for sexually transmitted diseases cannot be provided.
The most recently available information is for deaths in 2004. Figures for deaths in males and females aged 11 to 18 years for land transport accidents, suicide only, suicide or injury/poisoning of undetermined intent, alcohol-related causes, and assault are shown in the table below for each year from 1990 to 2004. Figures for drug misuse are only available from 1993 onwards.
It is assumed that most deaths from injury/poisoning of undetermined intent at ages 15 and over are cases where the harm was self-inflicted, but there was insufficient evidence to prove that the deceased deliberately intended to kill themselves. This cannot be assumed in deaths at ages under 15 and therefore deaths from injury/poisoning of undetermined intent are not included when examining suicide (intentional self-harm) in children. The table below shows the number of suicides in children aged 11 to 14, and the number of suicide or injury/poisoning of undetermined intent deaths in those aged 15 to 18.
Land transport accidents2 Suicide3 (aged11-14) Suicide or injury/poisoning of undetermined intent4 (aged 15-18) Drug misuse5 Alcohol-related6 Assault7 Male 1990 481 2 98 — 3 31 1991 414 2 93 — 1 28 1992 352 1 74 — 2 19 1993 234 5 76 31 3 29 1994 274 5 75 26 1 21 1995 279 1 74 35 1 36 1996 310 3 87 40 2 38 1997 275 2 79 44 8 34 1998 209 1 86 35 3 30 1999 226 2 87 45 2 43 2000 253 2 80 29 2 39 2001 247 3 82 24 5 34 2002 231 3 69 30 2 43 2003 244 0 63 20 3 37 2004 242 3 63 18 1 38 Female 1990 149 0 25 — 3 11 1991 139 1 31 — 0 19 1992 131 0 19 — 1 18 1993 111 2 25 5 1 18 1994 111 2 13 10 0 11 1995 77 4 30 11 0 14 1996 103 0 32 9 2 17 1997 109 3 24 15 0 12 1998 92 2 28 14 1 20 1999 96 0 34 8 1 11 2000 68 1 37 15 1 20 2001 78 2 17 18 1 15 2002 72 2 29 11 0 17 2003 72 3 20 5 1 17 2004 87 2 29 7 1 12 1 Data are for registrations of death in each calendar year from1990 to 1992 and for occurrences of death in each calendar year from 1993 onwards. 2 The cause of death for land transport accidents was defined using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes E800-E829for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes VQ1-V89. 3 The cause of death for suicide (intentional self-harm) was defined using the ICD-9 codes E950-E959 for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, ICD-10 codes X60-X84. 4 The cause of death for suicide (intentional self-harm) or injury/poisoning of undetermined intent was defined using ICD-9 codes E950-E959 and E980-E989 excluding E988.8for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, ICD-10 codes X60-X84 and Y10-Y34 excluding Y33.9 where the Coroner's verdict was pending. 5 The cause of death for drug misuse was defined using ICD-9 codes 292, 304, 305.2-305.9, E850-E858, E950.0-E950.5, E962.0 and E980.0-E980.5for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004,ICD-10 codes F11-F16, F18-F19, X40-X44, X60-X64, X85 and Y10-Y14, where the underlying cause was drug-related poisoning and a drug controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 was mentioned on the death record. 6 Alcohol-related deaths were defined using ICD-9 codes 291, 303, 305.0,425.5, 571 and E860for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, ICD-10 codes F10, 142.6, K70, K73, K74 and X45. 7 The cause of death for assault was defined using ICD-9 codes E960-E969 and E988.8for the years 1990 to 2000, and, for the years 2001 to 2004, ICD-10 codes X85-Y09 and Y33.9 where the Coroner's verdict was pending.