The Scotland Office’s main buildings—Dover House in London and Melville Crescent in Edinburgh—are listed buildings and cannot be altered without the consent of the relevant heritage body. Both buildings were initially assessed for compliance with the Act.
In the light of this assessment, all reasonable and practicable efforts have been made to adapt Dover House for use by the disabled. Subsequently, an access audit was commissioned to advise on longer term improvements that were required; these have been included in a programme of works which is due to be carried out during 2006-07. Where the audit drew attention to an issue that could not be remedied by building works, a management procedure has been introduced.
In Melville Crescent, all improvements and refurbishment works were completed, where reasonably practicable, and in accordance with Part 4 of the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004, while also in conjunction with British standard—BS 8300:2001.