The total number of women of minority ethnic origin employed by the Department as at 1 April 2006, is shown as follows..
Number of females Civilian1,2 810 Military3,4,5 1,090 Total 1,900 1 Data in the table exclude locally engaged civilians, and Royal Fleet Auxiliary personnel for whom ethnicity data are not available. 2 Represents the number of female employees who self-declared that they were a member of an ethnic minority group. Of a total of 32,170 female civilians working for the Department as at 1 April 2006, 5,430 had not declared their ethnicity. 3 UK regular forces include nursing services and exclude full-time reserve service personnel, the Home Service battalions of the Royal Irish Regiment and mobilised reservists. It includes trained and untrained personnel. 4 Due to the introduction of a new personnel administration system for RAF, all RAF data for 1 April 2006 are provisional and subject to review. 5 Ethnicity figures are based on those with a known ethnic origin. Figures shown are full coverage estimates of the number of ethnic minorities that would be expected if ethnicity were known for all personnel. Note: All numbers are rounded to the nearest 10.