[holding answer 12 June 2006]: In October 2005, 122,000 adults aged 19+ were studying on full level 2 programs in LSC-funded FE colleges—this is an increase of 3.4 per cent. on the previous year. Approximately 70 per cent. of these students received free tuition because of the level 2 entitlement or because of other reasons.
The chief executive of the Learning and Skills Council, Mr. Mark Haysom, has written to the hon. Member with a detailed breakdown of level 2 entitlement recipients. A copy of his letter has been placed in the House Library.
Letter from Rob Wye, dated 28 June 2006:
I am write on behalf of Mark Haysom, due to him currently being out of the office on annual leave, in response to your Parliamentary Question that asked how many eligible adults have taken up the level 2 entitlement for free tuition, as announced in the White Paper, 21st Century Skills, broken down by race, gender and disability; and what proportions of participants have dropped out.
Early information shows that in 2005/06 approximately 118,000 adult learners enrolled on a full level 2 qualification. Of these approximately 28,000 adults were on a first1 full level 2 qualification and in receipt of tuition fee remission. Of these approximately 12,000 were claiming tuition fee remission specifically through the level 2 entitlement. It is important to note that the level 2 entitlement was rolled out nationally in 2005/06 within existing college budgets and with no major marketing campaigns. A breakdown of these figures by race, gender and disability is shown in the attached annex. The proportions for ethnicity and gender are in line with the proportions of these groups in further education as a whole.
The proportion of learners recorded as being in receipt of the level 2 entitlement who left their current learning aims in 2004/05 before completion or achievement was 15%. This is the only full year data that we have for the level 2 entitlement and only refers to learners in the two trialling regions of the North East and South East.
In 2006/07 the level 2 entitlement is a key element of the recently launched Train to Gain service and I would be happy to provide you with further data when this becomes available.
I trust this letter provides the information you require.
1 Only for those adult learners where the prior qualifications information is known.
Ethnicity Participation Percentage of total participation Asian or Asian British 1,900 7 Black or Black British 2,400 8 Chinese 100 0 Mixed 700 2 White 22,100 78 Any other 550 2 Not known/not provided 650 2 Total 28,400 100
Gender Participation Percentage of total participation Female 16,350 58 Male 12,050 42 Total 28,400 100
Disability Participation Percentage of total participation Visual impairment 50 0 Hearing impairment 150 1 Disability affecting mobility 100 0 Other physical disability 50 0 Other medical condition (for example epilepsy, asthma, diabetes) 350 1 Emotional/behavioural difficulties 50 0 Mental ill health 150 1 Temporary disability after illness (for example post-viral) — 0 Profound complex disabilities — 0 Multiple disabilities 100 0 Other 250 1 No disability 24,400 86 Not known/information not provided 2,750 10 Total 28,400 100 Notes: 1. Results are rounded to the nearest 50. 2. Volumes <10 are suppressed. Source: F01 2005/06 ILR.