The following table provides the average salary of full-time head teachers in nursery, primary and secondary schools in England and Wales in each March from 1997 to March 2003, the latest year for which information is available.
Nursery/primary Secondary 1997 30,050 41,520 1998 31,110 43,060 1999 32,510 44,870 2000 35,130 48,230 2001 37,330 50,820 2002 39,420 53,960 20031 41,730 57,460 1 Data are provisional. Source: Database of Teacher Records (DTR)
For both nursery/primary and secondary heads, the average salary has increased by 19 per cent. in real terms over the period.
The information requested is not available.
The following table provides the percentage of teachers in the leadership group who retired early (defined as before the normal pension age of 60 on premature, actuarially reduced (ARB) or ill health grounds) in each year from 2002-03 to 2004-05, the latest information available.
Percentage 2002-03 2.8 2003-04 3.1 2004-05 2.7 1 Head, deputy and assistant head teachers awarded premature, actuarially reduced or ill health retirement benefits from the Teachers' Pensions Scheme. Note: Data are provisional. Source: Database of Teacher Records (DTR) and Pensioner Statistical System.