The following figures are calculated against a claimant population for the 2005 Single Payment Scheme (SPS) of 120,000 claims and are, consequently, likely to overstate the true position as the total number of claimants who will receive a payment will be somewhat lower. This is because account has to be taken of duplicate claims, consolidation of multiple claims into single business claims, voluntary withdrawals, claimants not activating entitlements and claims subject to 100 per cent. penalties.
At close of business on 27 June 2006, approximately 31,500 claimants have yet to receive their full payment. This represents 26 per cent. of an estimated 120,000 claims, approximately half of which have received a partial payment.
Approximately 14,500 claimants (12 per cent. of an estimated 120,000 claims) have yet to receive any payment. Most of these claims are worth less than €1,000.
Out of a total available fund of an estimated £1.5 billion, £1,415,817,581.80 has already been paid to farmers.
Work is continuing by the Rural Payments Agency to pay as many claims as possible using a variety of methods by the end of the payment window on 30 June.