The total number of disclosure applications received and disclosures issued by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) in the last 12 months is contained in table 1.
Information on the average length of time taken to process the checks during these periods is not available in the format requested. The CRB operates to a set of a Published Service Standards (PSS) which for the majority of the period was to publish 93 per cent. of Standard Disclosures within two weeks and 90 per cent. of Enhanced Disclosures within four weeks. The monthly performance measured against the PSS is as shown in tables 2 and 3.
The four week target for Enhanced Disclosures is made up of two distinct parts. The CRB is required to process 90 per cent. of valid Enhanced Disclosure applications to the police within 10 days, with the police forces required to process 95 per cent. of the checks within a further 14 days. The CRB consistently exceeded their target in 2005-06 and, for May 2006, processed 97.4 per cent. of applications to the police within 10 days. The CRB and the police forces are working together to reduce police completion times in line with the overall service standard objectives.
The CRB recently published its Five-Year Strategy and Business Plan 2006-07 and the PSS for the financial year 2006-07 for Standard Disclosures is 90 per cent. within 10 days and for Enhanced Disclosures 90 per cent. within 28 days. The shortening of the Standard Disclosure PSS is the result of the effectiveness of the CRB’s internal processes.
Month Total net receipts Total disclosures issued 2005 June 236,602 230,251 July 241,901 215,378 August 238,045 220,375 September 242,993 215,695 October 262,796 252,608 November 245,555 272,507 December 198,791 231,659 2006 January 209,361 217,764 February 247,591 234,556 March 294,303 277,610 April 207,265 217,764 May 280,171 242,911 Total 2,905,374 2,829,078
Standard disclosures Total Volume within PSS PSS target (percentage) PSS achieved (percentage) 2005 June 27,205 26,851 193.0 98.7 July 25,833 25,601 193.0 99.1 August 23,966 23,942 193.0 99.9 September 25,117 25,092 193.0 99.9 October 27,388 27,306 193.0 99.7 November 26,249 26,092 193.0 99.4 December 23,066 23,043 193.0 99.9 2006 January 23,055 22,963 193.0 99.6 February 28,511 28,454 193.0 99.8 March 36,436 36,363 193.0 99.8 April 24,719 24,645 290.0 98.7 May 34,401 34,310 290.0 97.4 June 2005 to May 2006 325,946 324,661 93.0/90.0 99.3 1 Percentage in 14 days. 2 Percentage in 10 days.
Enhanced disclosures Total Volume within PSS PSS target (percentage in 28 days) PSS achieved (percentage) 2005 June 203,046 166,092 90.0 81.8 July 189,545 160,734 90.0 84.8 August 196,409 159,877 90.0 81.4 September 190,578 154,559 90.0 81.1 October 225,220 172,969 90.0 76.8 November 246,258 209,566 90.0 85.1 December 208,593 177,095 90.0 84.9 2006 January 194,709 166,476 90.0 85.5 February 206,045 174,314 90.0 84.6 March 241,174 209,821 90.0 87.0 April 193,045 171,038 90.0 88.6 May 208,510 177,448 90.0 85.1 June 2005 to May 2006 2,503,132 2,099,989 90.0 83.9