I assume the hon. Member is referring to the financial closure of the UK Military Flying Training System contract. Competitive bids are in the process of being assessed, after which the investment decision will be taken. Current planning assumptions expect financial closure to occur in 2007.
The NAO Report, HG 880 Session 1999-2000 “Training New Pilots” dated 14 September 2000, recommended a more consistent approach to flying training. This report was instrumental in the initiation of the UK Military Flying Training System Project.
Since the project is still in its competitive phase, it is not possible to predict the full extent of the benefits to be realised through the project at this point. It is anticipated that the primary benefits will come from modernising the flying training processes for all three services, realising efficiencies and, since training is currently spread across several organisations, taking advantage of potential economies of scale. It is assumed that the existing estate will be utilised, although it is possible that there may be opportunities in the future for some estate rationalisation.