Information on the numbers admitted and discharged is shown in the following table.
Age Malnutrition admissions All admissions Malnutrition admissions per 100,000 Malnutrition discharges All discharges Malnutrition discharges per 100,000 0 to 4 11 1,143,564 1.0 12 1,153,098 1.0 5 to 14 1 498,026 0.2 1 500,749 0.2 15 to 44 54 3,829,687 1.4 51 3,876,699 1.3 45 to 64 83 2,624,028 3.2 82 2,664,605 3.1 65 to 74 36 1,649,737 2.2 39 1,680,332 2.3 75 to 84 36 1,581,687 2.3 40 1,621,794 2.5 85 and over 31 635,257 4.9 35 656,778 5.3 Not known — 26,458 — — 26,619 — Total 252 11,988,444 2.1 260 12,180,674 2.1