The information requested is shown in the tables. Contract values are for the whole life of the contract.
Procurement When Contractor Value (£ million) E-mail and directory services1 September 2002 EDS 120 Privacy-enhancing technologies 2— 2— 2— Networking services February 2004 BT 530 National electronic Library for Health (NeLH) April-August 2003 See separate table 4.6 NHS Wide Clearing Service December 2003 BT 3— Ambulance radio procurement July 2005 Airwave 02 Ltd. 390 1 Contract subsequently terminated in March 2004 and re-let to Cable and Wireless in July 2004 at a contract value of between £50 million and £90 million depending on take-up. 2 No separate procurement. Functionality specified in all core National Programme for Information Technology system contracts. 3 Procured as the Secondary Uses Service as part of the Spine contract.
Section/lot Contractor Health Information Environment Web hosting Eduserv Access management Eduserv Specialist consultancy Not awarded Search metadata TRIP Ltd. Content Current news analysis service University of York Clinical guidelines database University of Sheffield Specialist libraries Cancer Oxford Radcliffe Child health Sheffield Childrens Hospital Communicable diseases City University Emergency care University of Warwick Ear, nose and throat Oxford Radcliffe Eyes and vision Moorfields Eye Hospital Genetics Genepool Health management Kings Fund Old age Oxford Radcliffe Learning disabilities Oxford Radcliffe Patients and public involvement College of Health Mental health Oxford Radcliffe Nutrition University of Warwick Oral health University College Hospital Wales Respiratory medicine Sheffield University Skin conditions Nottingham Women’s health Oxford Radcliffe