The available information is shown in the following tables. Table one shows the average earnings of doctors in the hospital and community health services and of qualified nurses and midwives in 1998 and 2004 based on the national health service staff earnings survey. This data is not available prior to 1998. Table two shows the intended average net income for general medical practitioners in 1979-80 and 1997-98 and their estimated average net income in 2004-05. Table three shows average general dental service (CDS) income for dentists with a reasonable CDS commitment in 1997-98 and 2004-05. Figures are not available on a comparable basis for previous years.
Estimated annualised average total earnings (£) 1998 2004 Nominal Real terms Nominal Real terms All hospital and community health services doctors 44,700 53,500 67,700 70,800 Qualified nurses and midwives 19,600 23,500 26,400 27,600 Notes: 1. The NHS earnings survey is based on a sample of payroll data from approximately 50 per cent. of NHS trusts. 2. Earnings figures are based on monthly payments in August, multiplied by 12 to give annual equivalent amounts. 3. Averages are calculated by dividing total payments by total full time equivalents. 4. Figures are rounded to the nearest £100. 5. Real term figures are calculated using the HM Treasury GDP Deflator Index using 2006-07 as the base year. Source: Information Centre for health and social care NHS staff earnings survey.
IANI (Nominal) (£) IANI (in 2004-05 prices) (£) 1979-80 14,284 45,353 1997-98 46,031 54,094
Estimated ANI £ Estimated ANI in 2004-05 prices £ 2004-052 87,076 87,076 1 The concept of IANI (which related to all principal general medical service (GMS) GP’s, full-time and part-time) disappeared for 2004-05 onwards, when new contractual arrangements came into place. 2 The 2004-05 average net income figure for GMS/primary medical service GPs was estimated by the joint DH/BMA/NHS Employers Technical Steering Committee (TSC). It is not directly comparable with the earlier IANI series. Source: The Information Centre for heath and social care.
Estimated average net income (Nominal) (£) Estimated average net income (in 2004-05 prices) (£) 1997-98 51,200 60,168 2004-05 70,000 70,000 1 Dentists with a reasonable commitment to the GDS are defined as dentists with GDS earnings equivalent to at least £40,000 in 1993-94 in fees for treatments and patient capitation. This equivalent is calculated each year by adjusting figures to take into account the effect of fee increases. The equivalent figure for 2004-05 is £59,100. Notes: 1. Commitment payments started in 2001. 2. Figures since 2000-01 use a different methodology to calculate the contribution from other non-fee/capitation payments. 3. Figures prior to 1997-98 are not available on a comparable basis. 4. The income figures cover both estimated fees for treatments and patient capitation as well as other estimated payments such as seniority payments and commitment payments and payments for maternity and sickness. They exclude dentists’ income from private sources. Source: The Information Centre for health and social care
The latest information available on the three month vacancy rate and number for non-medical and medical staff by strategic health authority has been placed in the Library.