The following table show the number of events that were held in Hyde park, the income derived from them and the cost to The Royal Parks (TRP).
Under the 2003 Licensing Act The Royal Parks are, from 24 November 2005, required to obtain a licence for events from the local authority. In the case of Hyde park, that is Westminster city council. It is for the local authority to set the limit on the number and size of events and any other conditions it feels relevant. In addition, TRP holds meetings with the local authority, police, transport and other emergency services to agree the arrangements for each event. Details like noise levels are subject to existing guidance and are monitored by the council and the promoter at each event.
In addition to day-to-day liaison with Westminster city council, TRP officials attend many meetings of residents and amenity societies, and write to local residents and neighbours advising them of the dates, times and other arrangements relating to events.
The only payment made to any local authority in relation to these events was the fee for the licence, which amounted to £48,100.
Event 2005 Description Income (fee) (£) Expenditure (£) Moonwalk—17 June Charity sponsored walk around London streets, starting and ending in a large marquee in Hyde park 152,500 17,008 02 Wireless Festival—24 to 25 June and 29 to 30 June Ticketed sponsored music festival over four nights. On the Parade Ground. Mix of outdoor stages and dance tents. 283,000 165,890 Queen and Paul Rogers—15 July Ticketed commercial music concert on Parade Ground. 280,000 1— R.E.M.—16 July Ticketed music concert on the Parade Ground 280,000 1— BBC Proms in the Park—10 to 11 September Ticketed music concert on the Parade Ground 132,043 7,374 1 Total