The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Colin Mowl dated 12 July 2006:
The National Statistician has been asked to reply to your recent question asking how many deaths have been recorded where (a) clostridium difficile associated disease, (b) MRSA, (c) vancomycin resistant enterococci, (d) multi-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae was mentioned on the death certificate in the last year for which figures are available; broken down by deaths recorded in (i) rural and (ii) non rural areas; and in how many cases it was also the underlying cause. I am replying in her absence. (84262)
A breakdown of the figures requested by rural and non-rural area is not available. However, an answer to an almost identical question in respect of the whole of England and Wales from Mr. Paul Burstow MP, was published in the Official Report, No. 176, page 828W.