The Department’s links with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) are at the following levels:
(i) Occupying the UK seat on the CEDEFOP management board
(ii) Chairing the steering group of the UK Refernet steering group, which brings together key stakeholders to manage research and exchange of information for CEDEFOP in the UK
(iii) Co-ordinating the CEDEFOP study visits programme in the UK
These roles are carried out by DfES officials.
The Official Journal reference constitutes a call for proposals, with a deadline of 16 August, so as yet there are no funded projects.
We are committed to the development of a flexible European credit system to recognise learners’ achievements, and to participating actively in this project. To that end, the UK is represented on a Technical Working Group, set up by the European Commission, to explore all relevant issues.