An estimate of the number of patients in the Province who suffer from genital warts is not available.
The number of new cases of genital warts that have been seen at Genito-Urinary Medicine clinics in Northern Ireland, broken down by gender, in the Province in each of the last five years is detailed in the following table.
(a) Males (b) Females 2001 1,107 1,023 2002 1,147 1,029 2003 1,111 1,065 2004 1,059 1,042 2005 1,208 1,098 Notes: 1. Figures refer to calendar years. 2. The number of new cases of genital warts only includes the condition anogenital warts—first attack. Source: Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre Northern Ireland (CDSC (NI)).
Information is not readily available on costs of treating new and existing cases of genital warts due to the relatively small numbers of cases involved. For the year 2005-06 the planned expenditure for this area fell under the Genito-Urinary Medicine specialty, which was expected to cost, excluding capital, £4.7 million Province-wide,