The information requested is not held centrally and will take some time to collate. I will write to the hon. Member with the relevant information as soon as it becomes available and place a copy in the Library.
Substantive answer from Shaun Woodward to Lady Hermon:
The number of operations, by type, which were carried out in independent sector treatment centres in Northern Ireland is not available. However, the number of operations, by specialty, carried out in independent sector treatment centres in Northern Ireland during the financial year 2005-06, is shown in the table as follows.
Specialty Number of patients Dermatology <5 ENT 14 General Surgery 141 Gynaecology <5 Neurosurgery 40 Ophthalmology 321 Paediatric Surgery 46 Plastic Surgery 653 Trauma and Orthopaedics 212 Urology 172 NI total 1,603 Notes: Figures are for the financial year 2005-06. Includes patient transferred for both in-patient and day case. Figures include Board Transfers, Group 2 Transfer and Special measures (NTPOC). Please note that cell sizes that have a value of less than five have been masked in order to help protect confidentiality. Source: Health and Social Services Boards