The Government’s Annual and Quarterly Reports detail licences issued and refused for the brokering of controlled goods between third countries. While I have no plans to review the format, I always give careful consideration to any recommendation made by the Quadripartite Committee on Strategic Export Controls, concerning the Annual Report.
I have no plans to review the Department’s policy on end-use monitoring. I refer the hon. Member to my response to the hon. Member for North Devon (Nick Harvey) on 8 June 2006, Official Report, column 778W.
[holding answer 13 July 2006]: No standard individual transhipment licences have been issued to UK companies wishing to transfer small arms and light weapons from Bosnia via the UK to other destinations since 2003. The Government publishes details of standard individual transhipment licences issued in its Annual and Quarterly Reports on Strategic Export Controls. The Government's annual reports are available from the Libraries of the House, and the quarterly reports from the DTI Export Control Organisation website at We expect to publish the 2005 annual report in July 2006.
(2) what import licences have been issued since 2003 for military goods from Bosnia to the UK; and what type of goods were imported under each licence.
[holding answers 13 July 2006]: Details of import licences issued from 1 January 2005 that would allow the import from Bosnia of small arms and light weapons (as defined by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) are listed. Similar lists for 2003 and 2004 could only be drawn up in the time available at disproportionate cost.
The list is divided into those licences that specify Bosnia as a country of consignment (BA) and those that could be used for importing weapons from any country including Bosnia (AY).
The Department does not issue import licences for military equipment other than firearms and ammunition falling to Chapter 93 of H M Revenue and Customs' Integrated Tariff of the United Kingdom and not imported by the Ministry of Defence. No such licences in respect of Bosnia other than those listed have been issued since 1 January 2005.
Import Licences Issued from 1 January 2005 to date: AY 4 x DLASK Arms M4 5.56 calibre AY 60 x pistols AY 50 x handguns/machine pistols/silencers AY 45 x shotguns/5 x silencers AY 45 x assorted prohibited weapons AY 500 x assorted prohibited firearms and component parts AY 6,380 x assorted prohibited firearms AY 358,725 x assorted prohibited weapons AY 500 x weapons and ammunition -under Sections 5(l)(c) and 5(1 A)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968, as amended AY 5,000 x automatic weapons of all types AY 1,000 x semi-automatic rifles and carbines AY 200 x short barrelled shotguns AY 50 x rocket launchers, grenade launchers or mortars AY 2,000 x handguns AY 12 x weapons under Section 5(l)(a)/12 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ab)/12 x weapons under Section 5(l)(aba) AY 100,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(a)/50,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ab) AY 500 x assorted prohibited firearms and component parts AY 47,800 x assorted prohibited firearms and component parts AY 40 x handguns/5 x machine pistols/5 x silencers AY 45 x shotguns/5 x silencers AY No more than 45 in total x sub machine guns, light machine guns, medium machine guns, heavy machine guns, automatic cannons, assault rifles/carbines, self-loading rifles, self-loading rifles/carbines, automatic rifles/carbines, pump action rifles/carbines AY Unlimited assorted prohibited firearms AY 6,470 x assorted prohibited firearms AY 100 x handguns AY 358,725 x assorted prohibited weapons AY 500 x automatic weapons of all types AY 1,000 x semi-automatic rifles and carbines AY 200 x short barrelled shotguns AY 50 x rocket launchers, grenade launchers or mortars AY 2,000 x handguns AY 36 x assorted prohibited weapons AY 20,450 x assorted prohibited weapons AY 47,800 x assorted prohibited firearms and component parts AY 1,000 x assorted prohibited firearms and component parts AY No more than 13,000 in total x weapons under Sections 5(l)(a) and 5(l)(ab), (ac) & (ae)/l,300 x weapons under Section 5(l)(b)/500 x weapons under Section 5(l)(aba)/25,000 x weapons under Sections 5(l)(c), 5(1 A)(d) and 5(lA)(e) AY 10 x .223 semi-automatic rifles/carbines AY 110 x lightweight multiple launchers/10 x vehicle missile launchers/75 x automatic, semi-automatic rifles, carbines/25 machine guns/15 grenade launchers/2 x drill anti-tank weapons/500 x shoulder launch aiming units AY No more than 500 in total x prohibited weapons and prohibited ammunition AY 5,000 x automatic weapons of all types AY 1,000 x semi-automatic (self-loading) rifles and carbines of all types AY 200 x short barrelled shotguns fed by slide, pump or lever action or by self loading mechanism AY 50 x rocket launchers, grenade launchers or mortars of all types. AY 2,000 x large and small calibre pistols and revolvers (handguns) of all types AY 100 x pistols under Section 5(l)(aba) AY No more than 10,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(a)/600 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ab)/6,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(aba)/100 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ac)/3,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ae) AY No more than 10,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(a)/600 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ab)/6,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(aba)/100 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ac)/3,000 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ae) AY No more than 75 x medium machine guns, sub machine guns, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, automatic cannon, cannon, assault rifles/carbines, self-loading rifles/carbines, automatic rifles/carbines, pump action rifles/carbines AY 60 x handguns (calibre. 2mm-27mm/. 172-1") AY 45 x shotguns (pump, revolver, semi-automatic, automatic) AY No more than 45 in total x shotguns of the following types: pump, revolver, semi-automatic, automatic AY No more than 75 in total x medium machine guns, sub machine guns, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, automatic cannon, cannon, assault rifles/carbines, self-loading rifles/carbines, automatic rifles/carbines, pump action rifles/carbines AY 10 x Derringer, 30 x handgun, 5 x machine pistol AY 12 x weapons under Section 5(l)(a)/12 x weapons under Section 5(l)(ab)/12 x weapons under Section 5(l)(aba) BA 9,480 x assorted automatic rifles and machine guns BA 2,000 x machine guns, assault rifles and sub machine guns BA 1,500 x machine guns, assault rifles and sub machine guns BA 2,000 x machine guns, assault rifles and sub machine guns BA 500 x rocket launchers/3000 mortars BA 40,000 x various assault rifles BA 10,000 x various machine guns/2,500 various sub machine guns BA 100 x anti aircraft systems BA 100 x rocket launchers BA 5,000 component parts under Section 5(l)(a) BA 20,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles B A 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,500 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 2,000 x assault rifles BA 1,000 x assault rifles BA 2,000 x AK47 assault rifles BA 3,000 x machine guns BA 20,000 x AK47 assault rifles