[holding answer 11 September 2006]: Funds allocated to the Welfare Modernisation Fund (WMF) and draw-downs made by the Department are detailed in the following table:
Funding Draw-down 2001-02 672 636 2002-03 786 822 2003-041 900 1,040 2004-05 946 946 2005-06 601 461 Total 3,905 3,905 1 Draw-down in excess of funding made with Treasury approval in order to support in-year spending plans.
The Welfare Modernisation Fund ceased to exist at the end of 2005-06, at which point all available funds had been drawn down. There are, therefore, no allocations relating to the WMF for 2006-07.
Although specific WMF funding has been exhausted, the Department’s modernisation programme continues, funded from other available departmental budgets.
[holding answer 11 September 2006]: The Welfare Modernisation Fund ceased to exist at the end of 2005-06 at which time all available funding had been drawn down by the Department. However, the Department’s modernisation programme continues, being funded from other available departmental budgets.