The available information is set out in the table.
Cash1,2 Real terms3 1977-78 2,563 11,166 1978-79 2,776 10,890 1979-80 3,368 11,307 1980-81 4,198 11,922 1981-82 4,450 11,537 1982-83 4,998 12,101 1983-84 4,998 11,564 1984-85 5,398 11,866 1985-86 6,000 12,506 1986-87 6,475 13,073 1987-88 7,300 13,955 1988-89 8,025 14,341 1989-90 8,565 14,285 1990-91 9,335 14,436 1991-92 10,230 14,908 1992-93 10,820 15,276 1993-94 10,980 15,108 1994-95 11,320 15,344 1995-964 11,605 15,266 1996-97 11,895 15,138 1997-98 12,385 15,316 1998-99 12,855 15,504 1999-2000 14,400 17,023 2000-01 14,890 17,358 2001-02 15,445 17,587 2002-03 16,005 17,678 2003-04 16,525 17,725 2004-055 18,114 18,909 2005-06 18,698 19,155 2006-07 19,166 19,166 1 Starting pay for a newly qualified nurse is normally the minimum of the grade applicable to basic grade qualified nurses. 2 The grades applicable to basic grade qualified nurses in the years set out in the table are as follows: 1977-78 to 1987-88—staff nurse 1988-89 to 2003-04—D grade 2004-05 to 2006-07—agenda for change band 5. Figures given are for the minimum of these grades in the year in question, including any staged increases. 3 Real terms in 2006-07 prices. 4 The starting pay given for 1995-96 is the rate for non-trust staff. 5 The starting pay given for 2004-05 is the minimum of the agenda for change band 5 scale at the effective date of implementation of agenda for change on 1 October 2004.