The requested information could be obtained only at disproportionate cost. The following details relate to the DfT’s key IT projects that are monitored centrally.
Dept/ agency Project name Start date Original planned completion date Expected completion date Originally planned costs Estimated costs Note ref. DfT Shared Services Programme April 2005 April 2009 April 2009 31 45 1 VOSA Roadside Digital Tachograph January 2001 March 2005 March 2007 9.19 8.95 — VOSA Commercial Customer Portal January 2004 December 2011 December 2011 9.5 21.72 2 VOSA Operator Annual Test: E-Test Bookings January 2004 December 2011 December 2011 8.4 11.97 3 VOSA Mobile Compliance: providing mobile compliance devices to Enforcement Officers March 2003 December 2004 March 2007 7.91 10.39 4, 5 DVLA Driver Licensing: Drivers Re-engineering Project (DRP) phase 2 August 2003 September 2008 End 2008 1 09 102.9 6, 7 DVLA Smart tachograph project July 2000 May 2002 February 2007 13.2 14.72 — DVLA Vehicles System Software (VSS) Replatforming January 2005 July 2006 June 2007 8.37 8.42 — DVLA Tracking Vehicles Through The Trade (TV3T) August 2005 June 2008 October 2008 18.64 18.64 — DVLA Driver Licence Upgrade (DLUP) July 2004 June 2007 March 2008 21.8 17.04 — DSA Integrated Register of Driver Trainers (IRDT) October 2003 January 2006 February 2007 1.5 3.5 — HA Traffic Control Centre: PPP service; providing co-ordinated real time information on traffic conditions across most strategic road network August 2001 August 2011 August 2011 1160 1160 — HA Electronic Service Delivery of Abnormal Loads (ESDAL) April 2004 August 20062 August 20062 28.6 28.97 — April 2004 July 20083 July 20093 31.21 31.21 — 1 Over 10 years. 2 Development. 3 Operation. Notes explaining any variance in planned vs. expected data or divergence from information contained in PQ 2324 03/04: 1. The Shared Services programme is currently being replanned, so the estimated costs provided are likely to change in the near future. 2. The scope of the portal project has increased since original approval to include new elements such as the adoption of sophisticated data integration and management applications. 3. The scope of E-test bookings has increased since original approval to include a multi-channel solution. 4. The difference in completion date is due to an increase in project scope to include fixed penalties. 5. Original planned costs for Mobile Compliance did not include staff costs however, estimated costs to complete include staff costs from April 2005. 6. The previous PQ (2324 03/04) only relates to phase 1. The cost of £37 million with a delivery date of December 2005 was achieved within approved funding. These details have been updated to include phase 2. 7. The estimated completion date is currently subject to change pending a current re-scoping exercise.