Proposals (entitled the "Gateway" scheme) have been put forward by Birmingham city council and Network Rail for the substantial re-development of New Street Station. The business case for this scheme is currently being examined in depth by the Department, as a considerable sum of public funding is required for the purpose. I would anticipate being able to make an announcement during 2007.
The Government have no plans to appoint regional railway tsars.
The Secretary of State for Transport has had no direct discussions with Angel Trains and Porterbrook recently. However, departmental officials have regular bi-laterals with the managing directors of both these companies and there is also engagement on a regular basis at a working level.
On 28 June 2006 the Department for Transport initiated steps for a market investigation by asking the Office of Rail Regulation to refer the passenger rolling stock leasing market to the Competition Commission under Section 131 of the Enterprise Act 2002. The timetable set out by the Office of Rail Regulation is to publish their conclusions by the end of November 2006.
Payments to and premiums received from individual train operators in any given year (TOCs) are set out in table 4.2c of National Rail Trends, copies of which are in the Library of the House. Contracted subsidies and premiums to and from individual TOCs are published on the Department’s website when the relevant franchise is let. Actual payments and premiums in future years will depend on a number of factors including the operational performance of Network Rail and the TOC in question and the precise terms of the relevant franchise agreement. Where no franchise agreement is in place for the future years, premiums or subsidies will depend on the outcome of negotiations in the franchise specification and replacement process.
(2) whether revenue generated by Rail Franchise premiums is hypothecated for use by his Department (a) for any use and (b) on rail projects.
Forecast premiums from passenger franchises are included in the Department’s future spending plans. All premiums paid by franchises are appropriated in aid by the Department and the funds are made available for spending on transport.
The Secretary of State will publish a high-level output specification (HLOS) in summer 2007. The HLOS will set out the Government’s spending and output priorities for the rail industry for the next control period and will inform the Office of Rail Regulation’s next review of access charges. The HLOS will include advice on the funds that the Secretary of State has available for spending on rail.