Listed below are those Bills which the Government intend to bring forward. Details of each of these Bills are available from the Leader of the House of Commons website www.CommonsLeader.
1) Asylum and Immigration
2) Child Support
3) Climate Change
4) Concessionary Bus Travel
5) Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress
6) Counter terrorism1
7) Criminal Justice
8) Further Education
9) Fraud (Trials without a Jury)
10) Greater London Authority
11) House of Lords
12) Justice and Security (Northern Ireland)
13) Local Government
14) Mental Health
15) Northern Ireland (St Andrew’s Agreement)2
16) Offender Management
17) Organised Crime
18) Pensions
19) Statistics and Registration Services
20) Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement
21) Welfare reform (carryover)
22) Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide (carryover)
23) Crossrail (carryover)
24) Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information)
25) Legal Services
26) Exchanges and Clearing Houses
27) Party Funding
Draft Bills
1) Human Tissues and Embryos
2) Road Transport
3) Hague Convention (Artefacts in War)
4) Local Better Regulation Office
1 The Counter-terrorism Bill will be introduced if needed following a review being chaired by the Home Secretary.
2 The Northern Ireland (St Andrew's ) Bill will be brought forward as an emergency measure early in the Session.