Figures for salary, accommodation, travel and other staff costs for the years for which information is readily available are shown in following table.
(a) Salary (b)Accommodation (c)Travel and other staff costs 2003-04 84,872 25,155 25,829 2004-05 93,700 27,851 29,941 2005-06 102,506 28,842 30,976 Notes: (a) Staff costs include wages and salaries, social security costs and other pension costs for permanently employed staff in the UK and overseas, Ministers, Special Advisors and “other”, which include costs for seconded officers and those on fixed term contracts. (b) Accommodation costs include rent, rates, utilities and maintenance costs. (c) The figures for travel reflect all domestic and overseas travel for Ministers, Advisers and Officials, which include the costs of accommodation and subsistence. Other staff costs include costs for training, transfer costs, overseas allowances, boarding school allowances, team recognition fund and uniforms.